Ecological Waste Bin with Pedal 16L (LP1)

Ecological waste bins with a pedal make it possible to separate organic and recyclable waste by simultaneously fitting two plastic bags into their inner rim. In addition, the same rim does not allow the plastic bags to be visible on the outside.


• Resistant.
• Innovative and modern design.
• It allows the separation of organic and recyclable waste.
• Plastic bag not visible.
• Uses plastic bags.


Branco 1 (BR1)
Preto - Bordô (PR-BRD)
Preto 1 (PR1)
Uva - Branco (UVA-BR)
Argila - Terracota (ARG-TRC)
Cinza 2 (CZ2)
Oliva - Branco (OLV-BR)
Rosé - Branco (RSE-BR)
Mediterâneo - Branco (MDT-BR)
Caribe - Branco (CB-BR)

Technical Information


Tap and swipe

Ecological Waste Bin with Pedal 16L
Code Measures Capacity
LP1 L= 31 cm | W= 34 cm | H= 34 cm 16 l
