Orfeu Glass Vanity (GP/O)

Astra’s Orpheus Glass Vanity is ideal for decorating bathrooms and small toilets. It provides sophistication and elegance to the ambience. With a classic design, it has a towel rack and a round basin that overlaps the transparent glass base in an "L" shape. Installation and assembly do not require specialized labor, but the product instruction manual must be followed.


• Made of clear tempered glass.
• Material more rigid and resistant to impacts and temperature variations, considered a safety glass.
• Stainless steel metallic parts, that do not oxidize, increasing the product’s durability.
• Comes with trap, pop up valve that opens and closes by pressure (click).
• Enables the opening and closing of the valve without having to place the plug in the tank.
• Has a towel rack.


Ideal para banheiro e lavabos de dimensões pequenas. Pode ser combinado com os espelhos La Plata, Bromélia e Amazonas, da Astra.


Transparent (TRANS)

Technical Information


Tap and swipe

Orfeu Glass Vanity
Código Característica Medidas Diâmetro da cuba
GP/O Com sifão C=42 cm, L=42 cm, A=87,5 cm Ø 42 cm
GP/OS Sem sifão
* C = Comprimento, L = Largura e A = Altura

Quality Tests

• Glass parts subjected to resistance testing.
• Chrome and stainless steel parts subjected to Salt Spray test to evaluate oxidation resistance.